What happens with the civil engineering sector?

During the 2015th, the Institute for public procurement has done the research in area of construction, to determine the number of public procurement in this area, in 2014, and 2015, and comparing those numbers, to realize in which way the construction sector develops.
 We have done the research in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,Republic of Serbia and EU and here are the results:
 The review of total number of the tenders in Federation BH, published in period of 01.01.2015. - 30.06.2015. is presented in Chart 1 for the following categories:
  • The work on low constructions, and on the buildings
  • The work on the buildings

Chart 1.- Comparison of number of announced tenders for mentioned categories

If we turn back to the tender value for this listed works, we have the following situation:
The review of total number of the tenders in Federation BH, published in period of 01.01.2015. - 30.06.2015. is presented in Chart 1 for the following categories:
  • The work on low constructions, and on the buildings
  • The work on the buildings

Chart 2. Comparison of the total value of announced tenders for mentioned categories

We can notice, that in this period the total value of the works on low constructions was 571.843. KM, while the value of the works on buildings was much higher 1.992.970. KM.
 During the period starting from 30.06.2015. until 31.12.2015. it can be notices that the number of published tenders in low constructions and the building in more equal, and the review of total number of the tenders in Serbia in period of 01.01.2015. - 30.06.2015. is presented in Chart 2, Graphics 2, for the following categories.
  • The work on low constructions, and on the buildings
  • The work on the buildings

Chart 3.- Comparison of the number of announced tenders for mentioned categories

We could notice important decrease in compare with the same period in last year, if we observe the valuation of the published tenders.

The total valuation of the pronounced tenders in Serbia, published in period of 30.06.2015. - 31.12.2015. is presented in Chart 4, for the following categories:
  •     The work on low constructions, and on the buildings
  •     The work on the buildings

 The total valuation of works on low constructions in period of 01.01.2015. – 30.06.2015. is 129.542.209. EUR, while the value of the works on buildings is 161.847.849. EUR, and that is important decrease in compare to the same period of last year.