We have asked the bidders

 Institute for public procurement, in June of 2015th, has done the research named The bidders about the public procurement. The goal was to establish the real and effective competition among the bidders in public procurement and to discover how can the competition be increased. The research was conducted in Republic of Serbia, including the hundred respondents – active companies in Serbia, with one key condition, that those respondents had taken the active part in public procurement.

Graphics No.1 shows the opinion of the bidders about the public procurement.

The next thing that the research had included, is the asked active companies’ interest in public procurement – even 65% of those who have been interviewed have answered positive, when asked whether they do take part in public procurement, presented in Graphics No.2.

Since the level of the interest is very high, there is the question why number of offers hasn't moved higher from the number 3. The biggest competition was in 2011, when the average number of the bids per public procurement was 3.2, and until the year of 2014, that number was decreasing to its lowest value in past 4 years- of 2.6 bids.

According to the given results, we came to the conclusion that the bidder’s attitude has no influence on the average number of bids per public procurement, since there are other factors that have their influence on the number of the bids.