The costs of representation are lower

In June of 2015th, the Institute has done the research about how much the public sector had paid on the products of the representation, to discover the total number of public procurement, i.e. the total of public funds that are spent on these goods in first half of 2014, i.e. 2015.
The research has been done in Republic of Serbia and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and gave the following results:

The review of total number of the tenders in Federation B&H, published in period of
01.01.2015. - 30.06.2015. is presented in Chart 1 for the following categories:
  • Nonalcoholic drinks
  • Beer
  • Non - distilled water
  • Apple brandy and other fruit wines
  • The wines
  • Distilled alcoholic drinks

Chart 1.- Comparison of number of announced tenders for mentioned category

The valuation of the given goods can be expressed in the following way:
The valuation of the pronounced tenders in Federation B&H in period of
01.01.2015. - 30.06.2015. for the following categories, are presented in Chart 2 :
  • Nonalcoholic drinks
  • Beer
  • Non - distilled water
  • Apple brandy and other fruit wines
  • The wines
  • Distilled alcoholic drinks

Chart 2.- Comparison of total value of announced tenders for mentioned categories

We can notice that in period of 01.01.2015. - 30.06.2015. in public procurement for distilled alcoholic drinks was spent 258.298 EUR

The total number of tenders in Serbia, pronounced in period of
30.06.2015. - 31.12.2015. is presented in Chart 3, and Graphics 2, for the following categories:
  • Nonalcoholic drinks
  • Beer
  • Non - distilled water
  • Apple brandy and other fruit wines
  • The wines
  • Distillated alcoholic drinks

Chart 3.- Comparison of number of announced tenders for mentioned categories

In this period, the slight decrease has been noticed in distilled alcoholic drinks, but an increase in consumption of other listed goods, too.
In euros, it looks like this:
During the observed period 01.01.2015. - 30.06.2015. the value of pronounced tenders for the following categories was:
  • Nonalcoholic drinks
  • Beer
  • Non - distilled water
  • Apple brandy and other fruit wines
  • The wines
  • Distilled alcoholic drinks

Chart 4.- Comparison of total value of tenders for mentioned category

The price of distilled alcoholic drinks has changed from 258.298. EUR to 4.020.425. EUR, and that is the big change.