Representing in the procedure of protection of rights

Statistic shows the protection of rights is requested in about 60% of public procurements.
The protection of rights procedure means public procurement prolongation and extra financial costs for the purchaser. That’s why we offer the representation services to the purchaser.

 The representation in public procurement procedure includes:

  • Answering to the requested protection of the rights
  • Following the procedure and representing the interests of the purchaser.

What is meant under the representation in protection of rights procedure?

Why is the representation needed?

Public procurement procedure can be very unpredictable, and beside all of the attention and the respecting the rules, it’s possible that the disagreement of the bidders can grow to the requesting for the protection of the rights.

The statistical results show that the protection of rights is requested in about 60% of public procurement procedure, and that’s the evidence that there are no those who are privileged.

The access to the case

It’s necessary to inform us about the case, so we could protect the purchaser’s rights correctly.   That’s why it’s very important, when you Request for the representation in protection procedure, to give us the information about the Request itself, and all the documents related to that case.

After we have accessed the document, we see more clear which way to take in protecting the purchaser

The representation

After accessing and introducing with the case, within the legal deadline, we answer to the requested protection of rights and we actively take part in the rest of the procedure.

Our imperative, in the first place, is the legal protection of the purchasers.