Internal acts composing

The purchaser has the obligation to adopt a number of acts, to provide legal public procurement procedure and manage according to the law without any consequences.

We are composing the following acts for you:
  • Internal model act to prevent the corruption
  • Internal model act
  •  Public procurement model plan

Why are internal acts composed to?

Legal obligation

The legislator has imposed a number of new obligations to purchasers, including the internal acts composing, too.

Their principal goal is to prescribe the procedures to provide public procurement procedures legality.

Internal acts composing

On your command, we compose the internal acts according to your activities and your needs.

We do strictly take care to respect the law, all other details and take care of obligated content of the acts, too.

Composing and having internal acts, gets the purchaser protected from the misdemeanor fines for omission.


The purchaser has no obligation to publish interior acts, but what we recommend is the more transparency whenever it’s possible.
After preparation of the acts and their alignment with the law, we prepare the documents for publishing.