
Huge publicity is something characteristic for public procurement procedure, which includes publishing plenty documents. Since published documents are representing the purchaser and they say a lot about him, you must take them very seriously. From the other side, disordered publication and non-publishing brings many negative consequences to the purchaser.

We create and publish the following documents for you:

  • Prior notice;
  • Iinvitation to submit bids and applications;
  • Notice on dynamic procurement system;
  • Invitation to design contest;
  • Notice for extension of the deadline
  • Notice on initiation of negotiated procedure without invitation to bid;
  • Notice on concluded framework agreement;
  • Notice on recognizing qualification;
  • Notice on awarded public procurement contract;
  • Notice on the results of tender;
  • Notice on cancelling of public procurement procedure
  • Notice on the requested protection of rights, etc…

Why are the announcement important?

Legal obligation

Public Procurement Law obligates the purchaser to publish plenty of documents that have to be harmonized and be published. If the purchaser misses this obligation in any way, he can be called to account and even be punished.

Do not let your budget be spent on paying the fines, but invested in your own productivity.


Public procurements, as their name says have to be transparent to attract as much bidders as possible, to provide bigger, real competition that leads to lower prices.

Let your public procurements be the example to other bidders!

The evaluation of the bidders

All published documents, in fact are representing the purchaser. Disorderly, late and incomplete announcements are making the bidders very suspicious about and that reduces the number of the offers and creates the wrong vision of the purchaser.

Let your announcements be the example to the other bidders!